Button Lane Primary School

Only the best is good enough

Children's Information

Welcome to our pupil area. Here you will find your home learning as well as interesting and useful information. 

The Home Learning Zone & Year Group Pages provides you with your daily home learning tasks.

The Activity Hub is where you can find lots of fun and educational things to do at home.

Helpful websites and telephone numbers

Mind - mental health support

Childline website

Childline - 0800 1111

NSPCC website

NSPCC 24 hour free phone service - 0800 800 500

Save the Children website

Children's Rights - Know your rights

We are a Rights Respecting School and every month we have an article of the month. View the Article of the Month Family Homework here.

Below is a list of all 45 Articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Young Carers Information

Here is some helpful information for our young carers called 'Be Bothered'.

Do you know what a young carer is?

Do you know if you are a young carer? Do you know your rights?

Click the full screen button to view this information.