Artsmark Award
We are proud to have been awarded the Artsmark Gold Award for our wonderful creative arts provision across school. This means that our provision is established, we have developed best practice and there is a measurable impact on our pupils.
What is Artsmark?
The Artsmark award is the only UK creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by the Arts Council England. The Arts Council support schools in developing and celebrating their commitments to arts and culture education.
The three key aims are to:
- Build young people’s confidence, character and resilience through arts and cultural education
- Use Artsmark’s clear and flexible framework to embed creativity across your whole curriculum and use it to address school improvement priorities
- Celebrate your long-term commitment to cultural education with pupils, parents and your local community
Artsmark at Button Lane
We continue to develop our arts and culture provision, teaching art and culture in both a discrete and cross-curricular manner. We provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their creativity across the curriculum for example; incorporating drawing in Science, inspired by the infamous Leonardo da Vinci (an accomplished artist, engineer and scientist) and through our fantastic Photography Club.
Our pupils also have the opportunity to visit The Manchester Art Gallery, and take part in projects in our community. You can view our fantastic artwork - created in partnership with The Manchester Art Gallery - which is on display in the KS1 hall.
We are committed to continuing to expand and develop our arts and culture provision at our school and are working towards achieving the Artsmark Platinum award.
Our Manchester Bee
A colony of giant Bee structures took to the streets of Manchester in the summer of 2018 for a spectacular public art event called 'Bee in the City'. Button Lane Primary School pupils and staff were fortunate enough to take part in this wonderful event, decorating our very own bee. View our special bee structure in the video below: