Button Lane Primary School

Only the best is good enough

Our Governing Body

The Governing Body helps to ensure that the following key areas in the school are carried out to the highest standards:

  • Educational achievement
  • School’s finances
  • Balanced curriculum
  • Appointing staff and reviewing staff performance
  • Safeguarding and Behaviour

There are other areas the Governors get involved in such as helping set the school’s policies and procedures, authorising any new building works and liaising with parents.

Every school must have a Governing Body in order to operate. The Governing Body is made up of several governors who help ensure that the school carries out its responsibilities to the highest standards.

The Governing Body meets several times a year to discuss the above matters  and agrees actions with the school. The Governing Body also appoints governors onto various Committees which deal with specific issues.


How are governors appointed?

It is important that governors are appointed from diverse and varied backgrounds. The Governing Body should have people that are representative of the pupil population who bring different skills to the Governing Body.

The appointment of parent governors is mainly carried out by election and parents decide who they want to be a governor. Some governors are nominated, for example the LA governor is nominated by the Council and staff governors are nominated by the school. There are some instances where the governors will appoint certain governors themselves where they see that a certain skill is needed which cannot be met by existing governors, such as legal or accounting skills.


What skills do you need to be an effective Governor?

It is important that each governor can use their skills in the governors meetings. Some of the skills that are important are as follows:

  • Listening
  • Organising
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Teamworking 
  • Governors who have life experience and transferrable work skills (such as accounting and legal) can also make an important contribution to the work of the Governing Body

But the most important thing is ENTHUSIASM!

Governing Body Structure

Chairperson: Sarah Steel

Vice Chairperson: Sarah Marshall

Headteacher: Emma Roberts


Type of Governor


Date Appointed  

Appointed by

Term of office ends

Date stepped down  

Matthew Bennett    Co-Opted Governor  Resources 10/01/23 Parents  08/02/27  N/A
Lynda Dyson Co-Opted Governor Resources 24/10/19 Governing Body 12/10/26 N/A
Katie Bradbury Associate Governor Curriculum & Standards 24/10/23 Governing Body 23/10/27 N/A
 Jackie Jones  Co-Opted Governor Development & Wellbeing  10/01/23 Governing Body 09/01/27  N/A
Stephanie Morris  Local Authority Governor Development & Wellbeing 01/02/21 Local Authority 31/01/25 N/A 
Rev Caroline Hewitt Co-Opted Governor Personal Development & Wellbeing 26/06/23 Governing Body 25/06/27 N/A


Alison O'Connor  
 Clerk Resources, Development & Wellbeing,  Curriculum & Standards  N/A N/A N/A  N/A
Lisa Jones Parent Governor Personal Development & Wellbeing 20/05/20 Parents 19/05/2024 N/A
 Chris Thomas  Associate Governor Resources   N/A Governing Body N/A  N/A
Emma Roberts Headteacher  Resources, Curriculum & Standards, Development & Wellbeing N/A N/A N/A N/A
Paula Muir Co-Opted Governor Personal Development & Wellbeing 24/10/23 Governing Body 23/10/27 N/A
Joanne Taylor Co-Opted Governor Resources 13/10/22 Governing Body 12/10/26 N/A
Kerri Swan Parent Governor Curriculum & Standards 28/09/23 Parents 27/09/27 N/A
Sarah Steel Parent Governor (Chair from 17/05/2021) Resources 20/05/20 Parents 19/05/2024 N/A
Aisha Abdulmawla Staff Governor Curriculum & Standards 01/03/23 Staff 28/02/27 N/A
Mahmoud Usman Co-Opted Governor Curriculum & Standards 02/02/23 Governing Body 01/02/27 N/A
Carla Newton Parent Governor 21/11/23 Governing Body 20/11/27 N/A




Register of Interests


Business Interests

Other Establishments Governed

Relationships with   staff / governors


Matthew Bennett  None  None   None  09/05/24
Katie Bradbury None None None 09/05/24
Jackie Jones  None   None  None 09/05/24
Lynda Dyson None None None 09/05/24
Stephanie Morris  None  None  None  09/05/24
Alison O'Connor  None  None  None 09/05/24
Lisa Jones  None  None  None 09/05/24
Emma Roberts None None None 09/05/24
Rev Caroline Hewitt  None   None   None 09/05/24
Paula Muir None None None 09/05/24
Joanne Taylor None None None 09/05/24
Chris Thomas  None  None  None 09/05/24
Sarah Steel  None   None  None 09/05/24
Aisha Abdulmawla  None   None  None  09/05/24
Mahmoud Usman None None None


Carla Newton
Kerri Swan










Registers of Attendance

Register of Attendance for Full Governing Body Meeting







Matthew Bennett  ✔ X
Katie Bradbury  ✔  ✔  ✔  
Lynda Dyson  ✔   ✔  
Rev Caroline Hewitt  ✔  ✔  
Jackie Jones  ✔  ✔  ✔  
Stephanie Morris X  X  X X  
Alison O'Connor  ✔  ✔  ✔  
Lisa Jones  
Emma Roberts  ✔   ✔  
Paula Muir X  ✔  ✔   ✔  
Joanne Taylor X   ✔ X  
Chris Thomas      ✔  ✔  
Sarah Steel  ✔  
Aisha Abdulmawla  ✔
Mahmoud Usman X  X
Carla Newton X X X


Kerri Swan




 The Governing Body is split up in to 3 committees; Resources, Pupil Support and Standards.

Register of Attendance for  Resources Committee 






Sarah Steel X
Emma Roberts  ✔  ✔   ✔  
Joanne Taylor  ✔ X   ✔  
Matthew Bennett  ✔ X  
Chris Thomas  ✔  ✔  ✔  
Lynda Dyson X  ✔  ✔  


Register of Attendance for Curriculum & Standards Committee 




Mahmoud Usman    ✔
Emma Roberts    ✔
Sarah Marshall    ✔  ✔
Alison O'Connor    ✔
Lisa Jones    
Lynda Dyson
Katie Bradbury



Register of Attendance for Personal Development & Wellbeing





Aisha Abdulmawla  
Emma Roberts  
Stephanie Morris  X  X
Jackie Jones  
Rev Caroline Hewitt  
Alison O'Connor
Paula Muir X X


The governors aim to always be approachable and we welcome parent input. If you would like to discuss any school matters with any of member of the governing body, please feel free to contact the school.