Parents Information
We value the relationship we have with our parents and strive to develop and maintain a relationship with all of our families that is beneficial to each and every pupil. We know that parents are their child's first and foremost educator and that working together, we can ensure all pupils achieve their true potential.
Covid 19 Notice
Please take a look at the Home Activities for Families and the pupil Home Learning Zone to support your family through the Covid-19 pandemic. There you will find hours of activities, games and clips to help keep your child entertained and educated as well as the weekly Home Learning Schedules for each year group.
Communication with Parents
Having good relationships and clear lines of communication with parents is vital to the success of Button Lane Primary School.
In addition to a weekly newsletter we also offer:
Class assemblies – to which all parents of participating classes are invited.
Meet the teacher – at the start of each academic year in September.
Year Group newsletters – termly outline of the class theme for that term, and links to all other areas of the curriculum.
Parents’ evenings – once a term.
Written reports - once a year.
Text messages via Parent App - for helpful reminders or urgent news/requests. Please make sure we have an up to date mobile phone number so you don't miss out.
Facebook - we share news, photos, presentations and other important and interesting Button Lane news on Facebook.
Twitter - we also share news, reminders and useful links to the website on Twitter.
Email - if parents and carers need to get in touch with anyone at the school you can email us - indicating clearly who the email is for and we will make sure it is passed on. Each year group also has its own email which the class teachers will pick up and respond.
Parents and carers should ensure that the school office always has your current email address and/or mobile phone number so that you don't miss out on vital information. We share news, letters and other important information via email.
There are various ways in which we communicate with parents. We are always here to listen and support you and your child with any concerns you may have. We encourage you to make contact with school directly regarding personal issues or circumstances and to engage with us in sharing your child's successes in less formal ways.
Latest News
- Please read the updated Key Stage 2 SATs information that was shared in the recent Parent Meeting. If you require any further information, please speak to your child's class teacher.
- Check out the Summer Term Class Newsletters on our curriculum page to find out what we will be doing this half term!
- Go to our dedicated Covid 19 Updates page for the latest information for remote learning in the spring term.
- Please join your child's zoom class daily - it is compulsory. Please contact school if you do not have a device for home learning. Please go to Class Charts for more information and resources for home learning, set by your child's teacher.
- Have you seen our Children's Information page all about Good Mental Health and Well-being?