Button Lane Primary School

Only the best is good enough

Button Lane Primary School News

The latest news stories from Button Lane Primary School.


News Stories

  • Class Newsletters
    Check out the Summer Term Class Newsletters on our curriculum page to find out what we will be doing this half term!
  • KS2 SATS Information
    Please read the updated Key Stage 2 SATs information that was shared in the recent Parent Meeting. If you require any further information, please speak to your child's class teacher.
  • January Risk Assessment & Remote Learning Plan
    Go to our dedicated Covid 19 Updates page for the latest information for remote learning in the spring term.
  • Home Learning via Zoom
    Please join your child's zoom class daily - it is compulsory. Please contact school if you do not have a device for home learning. Please go to Class Charts for more information and resources for home learning, set by your child's teacher.
  • School Re-Opening 5.1.21
    Letter for the re-opening of School
  • A poem from Ms Roberts
    One day in March - A poem from Ms Roberts to all staff, pupils and parents
  • Good Mental Health and Well-being
    Have you seen our Children's Information page all about Good Mental Health and Well-being?
  • Letters
    Please head to our Letters page (under Parents Information) for copies of the latest letters.
  • Sock Olympics
    This year, Sports Day is looking a little different! Due to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics being postponed until 2021, Button Lane Primary have planned a Sock Olympics just for you! Check out the link below for more instructions!
  • Thank you Marcus!
    A TikTik themed video to show Marcus how thankful we are for all of his efforts
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