Religious Education and World Views
R.E. Lead - Mrs Birchall
At Button Lane, the teaching of Religious Education and World Views encourages our children to learn about and explore their own and the beliefs of others in an inclusive environment that is respectful of others. Through the teaching of Religious Education and World Views we aim to broaden our children vision as well as developing and deepening their knowledge about world views. It is our aim that all the children experience important traditions and customs from world religions, where they can visit places of worship or learn from members of the community. We believe that learning from and about religion helps our children to understand the world around them.
Our curriculum is shaped to develop our children's knowledge of the world faiths and nurture their awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, communities and cultures, whilst encouraging empathy, generosity and compassion. We aim to promote opportunities for our children to ask challenging questions about the world in which we live as well as creating a safe place for them to question their own and the views of others.
We support our children in building their own sense of identity and belonging so that they can flourish within their communities and as a citizen in a diverse society. We teach our children to develop respect for others, who may have different faith and beliefs, and help to challenge prejudice. We support our children in recognising their responsibilities to themselves and others and help them to understand how they can make a difference to their community and the wider society.
At Button Lane, we believe that our children should understand, appreciate and care about others and the diverse and ever changing world that we live in. From this, children can form a strong basis about their own beliefs, ideas and values, being proud of their identity, while respecting the right of others to differ.
We deliver our Religious Education and World Views curriculum from the Manchester Agreed Syllabus, which has been carefully mapped out into a clear progression, allowing our children to build on prior learning and acquire new knowledge. We teach across the three strands: believing, expressing and living. Our curriculum explores the fundamental teachings, celebrations, art, holy texts and histories of the four main religions as well as investigating the notion of Humanism. We enrich our curriculum with trips to places of worship, learning from members of the community, handling artefacts and celebrations through whole school events,
Assessment is used as a tool to inform our teaching and learning and to measure the impact of the curriculum we have created. We vary our approach to assessment to ensure it is tailored towards each subject. It takes place purposefully and meaningfully at key points across the year.
We assess each Religious Education unit in the following ways:
- Low stake end of unit reviews to assess key knowledge and end points of a unit to enable misconceptions to be highlighted and targeted early
- Observation within the classroom, children's books and through discussion
- Moderation within school
- Pupil Voice
Conversations between subject leaders and class teachers take place to ensure that standards across the curriculum are monitored and reported annually to staff, parent’s and governors
Religious Education and World Views Curriculum Documents
Religious Education and World Views Whole School Overview
Religious Education and World Views Progression
EYFS Religious Education Progression
Our Gallery of Learning
Other cultural and religious celebrations at Button Lane
Our gallery showcases some of our learning in Religious Education and World Views. It includes images of a Year 4 and 5 workshop about Mahatma Gandhi, Year 2s visit to a local Mosque, our whole school Christingle service and Year 5s visit from a Humanist guest speaker as well as learning across our RE lessons
Ramadan Assembly
Annual events and celebrations
Take a look at some of our annual events:
Easter Assembly
World Religion Day
To help explore our article of the month, 'Article 14: Your right to follow your own religion' we celebrate World Religion Day. This year, joined by parents, we started off with a whole school assembly where we explored the 6 largest faiths. In class, we explored World Religion Day further and each child created a reflective hand print about themselves which we used to create a display that celebrates our similarities and differences.