Button Lane Primary School

Only the best is good enough


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Nursery Autumn Newsletter

Christmas  Party!

Autumn 2

What a busy few weeks we have had in Nursery.

New friends have joined us, we have created a super digging area  and added some lovely clocks to the outside environment to enhance our mathematical learning.

Little Buttons came to visit us as start of their transition into full time Nursery.

When the weather changed we took the opportunity to investigate the snow and ice take a look.

Class of 21/22 Settling in nicely 

What a busy couple of weeks, exploring all the new activity stations and resources in Nursery. We have welcomed back some of our older children, who have stayed with us and lots of children                                                               who are new to nursery.

We have been making friends, listening to and reading stories, collecting leaves and blowing them, catching bubbles, drawing self portraits, creating a snack bar and learning how to use a zebra crossing safely. We have also had a feline visitor who  decided to join us in our play.    Take a look below.

Autumn 1  Week 2

Autumn 1    Week 3

Autumn 1 weeks 4 - 7

What a busy few weeks the children have had.

The children found two lost bears and kindly offered to take turns to take them home each night for a sleep over. We made our own jam sandwiches for a teddy bears picnic and worked on our sharing and mathematical skills, cutting food in half to share with our friends. We  experimented making paper aeroplanes, investigating how we could make them fly as far as possible. 

The children suggested we needed a shop to buy food, to enhance our role play area, so we created one, giving  the children first hand experiences  learning about money and different kinds of foods.

We learned how to take our shoes and socks on and off and the children came up with the idea of walking on lots of different textures to see how they felt. 

Take a look below, at  the too numerous adventures we have had this term.

Parents in Partnership

Thank you to all our wonderful parents, carers and children, for creating such colourful family collages to celebrate what makes us all special.

Home Learning

Click on the links below to see your daily Home Learning Schedule. All the resources you need for each day are below.

Week Beginning 29.3.21

Week Beginning 29.2.21








Numicon Number Frames for Counting 

Keep in Touch

Mrs McDermott and Mrs Rowlands would love to hear what Nursery have been learning at home. Please tell us about the work you have been doing in the guestbook below. You can send photos of your work to your teacher via email.


Please feel free to sign our guestbook and leave a comment...

Comments (8)
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Alvie Joe Sutton(a few years ago)

Alvie Joe is really enjoying the old lady who swallowed a fly topic this week! Hes been working really hard with his letter formations and being able to identify letters and numbers by looking at them now not just saying them. Hes watching the song every day and can now sing most of the words instead of mumbling through. He loves doing the creative activities and i find this is when i can keep him engaged the most.

Oliver Myers ney(a few years ago)

Oliver has just been looking at all the pictures that have been uploaded and it really brought a smile to his face to see all his friends

Lola Potter(a few years ago)

We talked about how Harry felt sad after leaving his bucket on the train.

Lola Potter(a few years ago)

I made a happy face and a sad face so I could talk about what I liked and disliked about the book.

Alvie Joe Sutton(a few years ago)

Today Alvie Joe really enjoyed singing Old McDonald, we did all the farm animals and then we used his animal puppets to sing about some zoo animals too, we asked Alexa to tell us some of the noises they made so we could copy. We had lots of fun.

Isla wells(a few years ago)

Hiya Mrs Rowlands I’ve loved doing all her activities at home today I have tried my hardest at doing it all my favourite one was the hop scotch with daddy on his dinner break Me and my brother have also been work with mummy. I have plenty off photos and videos I will get mummy to email over soon.

Maximilian Foden(a few years ago)

I've been working really hard learning to write my name on my own and learning letters and sounds.

Maximilian Foden(a few years ago)

I've been working really hard learning to write my name on my own and learning letters and sounds.

Sports Day 2021

Take a look at what Nursery have been doing at home and in school so far

We are so proud of you!

Keep up the fantastic work and make sure to send us more photos of your learning.

World Book Day

Spring 2 Week 2

Another busy week in Nurser, working hard as a tem building making cards, reading stories and getting ready to welcome back all our friends

Spring 2 Week 1

This week at home and in class we have been reading the traditional tale 'The Three Little Pigs' to enhance our learning we have made pig masks, practising our cutting skills. Designed our own houses, labelling each part with the sounds we could hear in words and constructed dwellings to stop the Big Bad Wolf getting to us. In mathematics we have been creative with Numicon counting, making patterns and linking our number recognition with the different shaped pieces on sight. 

Spring 1 week 6 

We have been learning all about the Fire Service and how to make calls to the operator at the emergency call center. We now know, which numbers to dial and what information we need to give, so help can come as quickly as possible. Do you know what number you need to dial in an emergency? We have made mobile phones, fire engines, fire officer badges, numbered finger puppets and outside we used chalk to draw ladder's, numbering the rungs.

It is also Chinese New Year this week and to welcome in the year of the Ox we listened to the story of how the years became animals names. We have been saying hello and writing our names in Chinese, it was good fun. Some of us made dragon masks and fans decorated with Chinese patterns, take a look below.  What a busy week!!!!

Spring 1 Week 5

This week has been a very active and busy one in school and at home on our Zoom lessons. The children have been thinking about how we can keep our body's and minds healthy. We have been exercising everyday and have quietly been using mindfulness music to relax and think about what makes us feel good. Along side all this mind and body health we have been learning about , healthy food creating our own breakfasts and lunches, filling in our tooth brushing charts, alliteration and different ways to express and count numbers. Take a look below.

Spring 1 Week 4

This week we have been learning all about Vets and how we can help to look after our own pets and other animals in the environment, We have used our design skills to make binoculars then went outside to do a bit of bird watching.  In mathematics we have been learning all about size, looking at our own families and objects in our own homes. In addition to our planned learning we have had snowy days where we used our team work and creative talents to build a snow man, take a look below.

Spring 1 Week 3

This week we have been busy learning all about how and where  to cross the road safely and investigating the senses we need to use when crossing the road. We learnt about how the police can stop people from driving to fast and how the Lollipop person can keep us safe. We have been looking at the shapes we can see in our environment when we are out and about. We have used some of these shapes to create our own art work at home and in school.Keep your eyes peeled for the stick man Matthew found on his walk.

Spring 1 week 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We have been  learning all about going to the Dentist and how to keep our mouths healthy. We have been creating mouths, counting  teeth, brushing our own teeth, ordering numbered toothbrushes, sequencing how to brush our teeth, labelling objects  and  squeezing our own healthy juice and much, much more, take a look below.

Spring 1  Wk 1 

We have been practising our number formation and  using lots of different materials to create number lines.  We have been learning all about different people in our community who help us, take a look at our pictures to see who we talked about.

Summer 1

Summer 2