Button Lane Primary School

Only the best is good enough


Welcome to Reception's Year Group Page.

Your teacher's are Mrs Dyson and Miss Hudson-Jones.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to your child's class teacher, please email your teacher at reception@buttonlane.manchester.sch.uk

For our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube updates and communication, click here.



Homework and spellings are set every Friday and are based on learning that has taken place in class that week. We ask that these are submitted by Wednesday the following week.

Please support your child's learning by helping them with their homework weekly.

You can access the weekly homework and spellings and any additional resources via Class Charts. Each child has been assigned a log in. Please contact the school office if you need yours.

Please go to https://www.classcharts.com/student/login 

You can print off any work if you choose to, or complete any written work in your child's home learning books. You do not need to return these to school, but we ask that you upload an image of completed work weekly to Class Charts, or to the year group email at reception@buttonlane.manchester.sch.uk

Reading Books

Your child will bring home two reading books each week on a Friday. They are matched to the phonics sounds we have been learning in class that week and are therefore accessible to every child in class. Please read with your child every day, encouraging them to segment and blend the words in the books and discuss events in the story together. There are helpful tips at the front and back of each book to help you.

Due to the current situation we ask that reading books are returned by the following Wednesday so that we can quarantine any returned books for 72 hours before sending books back out.

Home Learning

Click on the links below to see your weekly Home Learning Schedule. All the resources you need for each day are listed below.

You will also find this week's spellings, sounds to practice and homework under each week.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7


Week 8












Spellings Mat

Spellings Mat

Spellings Mat

Spellings Mat

Spellings Mat

Spellings Mat

Spellings Mat

Spellings Mat



Keep in Touch

Miss Hudson-Jones and Mrs Dyson would love to hear what Reception have been learning at home. Please tell us about the work you have been doing in the guestbook below. You can send photos of your work to your teacher via email, or share them with us on our Social Media pages.


Please feel free to sign our guestbook and leave a comment...

Comments (5)
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Lucas hay(a few years ago)

Hi mrs dyson and miss Hudson jones. Lucas is very much missing his friends and school, over the easter Lucas made his easter hat, easter decorations for the tree outside, painting rainbow to support our key workers and coloured in the front bricks on the house, lucas did abit of clay modling, roleplay with his Cafe shop and can be used to do a puppet show. Lucas has been helping tidying the front garden doing abit of sweeping and getting involved with seed planting we are growing sunflowers, poppys, lillys, corn flower, sweet william. We have been to the park a couple of times to play football, did we a nature trail hunt, took his bouncy hopper to the shop on the way back he said my legs are soo tired, we did our name exercise sheet in the garden lucas enjoyed it and did the whole sheet. Lucas made short bread cookies and they were very lovely, lucas has been getting involved with cooking we made corn beef ash the other day and Lucas sliced the corn beef and counted how many slices there was. Yesterday lucas found a Beatle in the garden and he has made the Beatle a home and called him Climy I asked why the name Climy he says becuase he likes to climb alot.

Catherine mellor(a few years ago)

Caiden has been doing really well with his work he has been given to do He is enjoying the free e books online he listens to the audio and then reads it through On his own Caiden says he misses school and his best friend Archie and his teachers loads

Mihail(a few years ago)

Mihail really enjoy Oxford owl free books reading.He is doing very well Level 1 and Level 2 books,and practice more Level 3. The favourite is Alien Adventures about team who use special clock to shrink and become small. Then they can enjoy underworld's, insect's or toy's world. Mihails likes to do different activities during he reads each books. He practice more counting to 10 and 20.Everyday he does a work sheets to practice more addition and subtraction (he use a ruler to find right number and it's place). He very likes play a School at home-where he is a Teacher and his little Sister a student.Then he shows how big professional he is in writing.He teach a letters and sound to little Sister and to Mum and Dad as well. Mihail very likes dancing,do PE and different activities in the home garden.He is always very busy outside.He builds new roads,buildings,shops and much more.He is very creative.

Kylie Appleton(a few years ago)

Jacob Arron Appleton Jacob has been showing me his math skills and I'm very impressed with the way he can add and subtract. Also reading books about animals and their natural habitats.

Samantha Howard(a few years ago)

Jessica has been learning how to bake. She helped weigh out all the ingredients and mix everything up. She's also been keeping up with her spellings. We have been using the words in the middle of her reading journal. The first day she got 40/69 & today she got 47/69. She was really pleased with herself

Take a look at what Reception have been doing at school so far

We are so proud of you!