Button Lane Primary School

Only the best is good enough

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's Year Group Page. If you have any questions about your home learning, please email your teacher at year2@buttonlane.manchester.sch.uk 

For our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube updates and communication, click here.

Year 2 Autumn Newsletter

Zoom School

Please join your child's Zoom class every day. The link has been sent out via parent apps.

You can zoom from any device. Please contact school if you do not have a device for your child to use and we will do our best to help you.

Please go to https://www.classcharts.com/student/login to access the Weekly Timetable.

Zoom School will last from 9am - 12:05pm.

Afternoon tasks will be set on Class Charts and all resources are on there too. Your child should be able to complete all of this work independently.

Please contact your child's teacher for any further assistance at year2@buttonlane.manchester.sch.uk

Keep in Touch

Mrs Hutchinson and Miss Abdelmawla would love to hear what Year 2 have been learning at home. Please tell us about the work you have been doing in the guestbook below. You can send photos of your work to your teacher via email.


Please feel free to sign our guestbook and leave a comment...

Comments (16)
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Jack McGovern(a few years ago)

We really enjoyed last weeks work on Zog! Was interesting and kept Jack engaged in home learning

Caelan Sutton(a few years ago)

Really feel Caelan has come into his own with mathematics this week. Something has definitely clicked, hes actually enjoying using base 10 and making exchanges to solve equations, hes also doing really well with his TT rockstars and is loving The Gruffalo themed topic this week. Great planning guys, making this mums home schooling life lots easier!!

Jack Mcgovern(a few years ago)

Really enjoyed his maths today and the English sheet, this weeks meerkat literacy shed is a fun one for the kids! And I now know who Mary seacole is

Jack Mcgovern(a few years ago)

Late start but we did it! I think the white rose maths is perfect for jack and he’s enjoying it, he enjoyed the meerkat video and we’re still sharing grandpas great escape at story time

Jack McGovern and Mummy(a few years ago)

Today we had a lovely day doing the maths Sheets and sharing another chapter of grandpas great escape

Jack Mcgovern(a few years ago)

Jacks really enjoying tt rock star and I’m noticing he’s becoming more confident with the numbers and getting less stressed when he CANT DO IT!!!

Jack Mcgovern(a few years ago)

we really enjoyed mondays work! the spellings this week are very hard

Jack Mcgovern(a few years ago)

Jack enjoyed his spelling test! Crazy they love routine!!!!!

Jack Mcgovern(a few years ago)

We’re losing track of days! But we enjoyed as a family the going to the shop game

Catherine Mellor(a few years ago)

Harley is really enjoying doing his maths and is doing really well working through his work ! He is missing his teachers loads and all his friends but he Hope's to see them all soon x

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Take a look at some of the fantastic work the children in Year 2 have been doing at home.

We are so proud of you all for continuing to try your very best in everything you do. 

Summer 1